- 担当講義のコースを開き、出欠レポートから該当の講義日をクリック
- 該当の学生を「出席」に手動で変更、備考欄に「公欠」などと記載して画面下”OK”をクリック
- 「出欠が正常に取られました」というメッセージが画面に表示されたら完了

Thank you for using the M2B system.
If you teach a course using Moodle, you might have encountered a situation in which you wanted to record students' official absence "公欠" on Moodle.
One way to do it is as follows:Assuming your course has an Attendance Block,
- Open the course page and click on the corresponding date of the class in "Report"(「出欠レポート」)
- Find the student and change the student's status to P (Present), then write "official absence" in the Remarks field. Click "OK"
- If you see a message "Attendance has been successfully take", you are done.