• みなさまへの重要なお知らせです。必ず閲覧しておいてください。(2024/8/29 更新)


【お知らせ/Notice】LAセンターHPメンテナンス情報 / LA Center HP Maintenance Information(2025/01/17)

by LAcenter support -

■ メンテナンス期間:2025年01月17日(金) 12:15 - 12:30
上記期間中、メンテナンスのためLAセンターのHPおよび学生マニュアルが閲覧できなくなります。 作業が終わり次第、利用できるようになります。 ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。

■ Maintenance period: Friday, Jan 17, 2025 12:15 - 12:30
During the above period, the LA Center's website and student manuals will be unavailable due to maintenance. The website will be available as soon as the work is completed. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

【お知らせ】出欠確認アラート機能の初期設定が「有効」になります / The default setting of the "Attendance Confirmation Alert" function will be "Enabled"

by LAcenter support -





For some time now, we have received numerous inquiries and requests from students regarding attendance confirmation.
In order to contribute to smoother class operation, we have made the following changes to the default settings of the attendance confirmation alert function.

 After the scheduled M2B maintenance from March 4 (Tue.) to 6 (Thu.), 2025, the default setting of the "Attendance Confirmation Alert" function will be changed from "disabled" to "enabled".
 This applies to courses newly created after the maintenance and for which the attendance method is “Automatic” or “Semi Auto”. Students will be alerted 5 minutes before the end of the late time, unless the faculty specifically changes the setting.

<Please note>
 If you have a quiz scheduled at the beginning of the class, please be careful when the alert is displayed.
  Faculty members are free to change the “enable/disable” of the alert in the course settings of each class.

※What is the “Attendance Confirmation Alert”... (function added in March 2024)
Manual for faculty and staff: https://moodle.s.kyushu-u.ac.jp/pluginfile.php/1376722/mod_resource/content/16/html/2-5.html#_2-5-8
Manual for students: https://la.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/usage-support/attendance/#attendance_alert

【重要】定期メンテナンスによるM2Bシステム利用停止のお知らせ(2025年3月) / [Important] Notice of M2B system suspension due to regular maintenance (March 2025)

by -

M2Bシステム(Moodle, B-QUBE, Metaboard)の定期メンテナンスを実施します。



Scheduled maintenance of M2B systems (Moodle, B-QUBE, Metaboard) will be performed.
■Scheduled maintenance period
March 4(Tuesday), 5(Wednesday), 6(Thursday), 2025(all day, 3 days in total)

Due to regular maintenance, the M2B system (Moodle, B-QUBE, Metaboard) will not be available during the above period. The period of suspension of use may be shortened depending on the work status.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

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