Poésie urbaine. Du XIXe au XXe siècles, le regard que portent les poètes de langue française sur l’espace urbain se métamorphose, depuis l’éloge de la modernité vers la mise en évidence des difficultés du quotidien. Il s’agira d’étudier un ensemble de textes révélateurs de ces transformations. Ces dernières seront confrontées à celles que connaissent à la même époque l’architecture et la peinture, mais aussi à celles qui apparaissent dans les textes narratifs.
Urban poetry. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French writing poet’s perspective on urban space has evolved from the praise of modernity to the highlights of the daily difficulties. The class aims to study a wide range of texts that illustrates those transformations. Students will be asked to deal with architecture and painting, and also with narrative texts.
Urban poetry. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French writing poet’s perspective on urban space has evolved from the praise of modernity to the highlights of the daily difficulties. The class aims to study a wide range of texts that illustrates those transformations. Students will be asked to deal with architecture and painting, and also with narrative texts.