私たちをとりまく情報環境は大きく変わってきており、現場・フィールドに行かなくても情報を手に入れることが簡単になってきました。しかし、現在でも現場に立って物事をみることの大切さは変わっていません。フィールドでの姿勢を学ぶことは、分野を問わず学問の基礎として、また、人生における様々な選択や決断をより適切に行うスキルを身につけることになります。この講義は一定の学問分野を足場としながらできるだけ一般的な形で、フィールドへの入り方、歩き方、学び方、およびそこで必要な倫理・安全性への配慮について学びます。それをふまえて生涯役立つフィールド感覚を養います。今回は自然人類学を足場にした講義を行います。多角的なフィールド感覚を養うために「フィールドに学ぶ A」を合わせて履修することが望まれます。
Since the availability of information has changed greatly in the past few decades, we have come to be able to obtain information without going to field sites. However, fieldwork remains important in both the social and natural sciences (and in various other disciplines). Fieldwork requires skills at observation, skill at integrating information, and skills in holistic thinking. Learning via field work can enable us to hone decision-making skills in various aspects of our life. This course will explore the following key issues: what fieldwork is; how to engage in and with fieldwork; they ways to learn from fieldwork; and the ethical issues and safety considerations that present themselves in the field in biological anthropology.
It is recommended that you register for “Issues in fieldwork A“ in order to learn perspectives on fieldwork.
Since the availability of information has changed greatly in the past few decades, we have come to be able to obtain information without going to field sites. However, fieldwork remains important in both the social and natural sciences (and in various other disciplines). Fieldwork requires skills at observation, skill at integrating information, and skills in holistic thinking. Learning via field work can enable us to hone decision-making skills in various aspects of our life. This course will explore the following key issues: what fieldwork is; how to engage in and with fieldwork; they ways to learn from fieldwork; and the ethical issues and safety considerations that present themselves in the field in biological anthropology.
It is recommended that you register for “Issues in fieldwork A“ in order to learn perspectives on fieldwork.