Understanding of components associated with safety and good taste, and dynamics of the food materials.
Understanding of characteristics of food borne pathogens, toxins, harmful chemicals.
Application of these knowledge to quality control of food.
Acquisition of ability to apply the knowledge on factors associated with safety and good taste, and dynamics of the food materials.
Understanding of characteristics of food borne pathogens, toxins, harmful chemicals,
Understanding of food additives and packaging to keep high quality of food.
Evaluation will be made comprehensively from the attendance and the participation in the lecture.
Understanding of characteristics of food borne pathogens, toxins, harmful chemicals.
Application of these knowledge to quality control of food.
Acquisition of ability to apply the knowledge on factors associated with safety and good taste, and dynamics of the food materials.
Understanding of characteristics of food borne pathogens, toxins, harmful chemicals,
Understanding of food additives and packaging to keep high quality of food.
Evaluation will be made comprehensively from the attendance and the participation in the lecture.